Elysia Cron

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!NEW Release 2.2 is finally out, with code & performance improvements and a lot of new features! Check changes in release notes

Elysia Cron extends Drupal standard cron, allowing a fine grain control over each task and several ways to add custom cron jobs to your site.

  • Set the timings and frequencies of each cron task (you can run some jobs every day at a specified hour, other only monthly and so on...). For each task you can simply choose between some frequently used options ("once a day", "once a month" ...), or use a powerful "linux crontab"-like syntax to set the accurate timings. You can even define your frequently used options to speed up site configuration.
  • Parallel execution of cron task: you can group jobs in channels and execute then simultaneously: so a task that takes a lot of time to execute won't block other tasks that need to be executed every 5 minutes...
  • You can disable all tasks, an entire channel or a single task.
  • Change the priority/order of task execution.
  • Manual force the execution of a cron tasks.
  • Detailed overview of cron status with time statistics for single tasks and channels.
  • powerful API for module developers: you can define extra cron tasks for your modules, each one with own default timings (site administrators can override them by configuration, other modules via hook_alter).
  • Administrators can define custom jobs (call to functions with parameters), via the "script" option.
  • Several optimization for frequent cron calls and error handling.
  • Protection from external cron calling by cron_key or allowed host list.

Elysia has no dependencies with contributed modules, and doesn't need to patch the core: it can be used in minimal Drupal installation with only core modules.

3rd party integration:

  • Ping feature, for external tracking services like host-tracker to tell whether cron is functioning properly on your site.
  • Drush support: you can call "drush elysia-cron run" to manually run extended cron.
  • CTools support for exports/backup of task settings.
  • Features support.

Cache browser

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The Cache browser module provides a page (protected by 'administer cache tables' permission) from where you can browse all Drupal cache tables, list their contents, dump cached entries. You can also reset the contents of any cache table or delete single entries.

Data dumps use tipical PHP var_dump format. Arrays and classes are collapsed by default. You can expand/collapse them one by one or all at once. The expand/collapse feature requires a javascript enabled browser and uses Drupal/jQuery compatible methods.

Queue Mail

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Queues email sending from your site so that instead of being sent immediately it is sent on cron or via some other queue processor.

Useful for high traffic sites that can send a lot of emails on individual page requests.

Bandwidth API

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This module allows users to specify a preferred bandwidth for viewing videos.

Features include :
- Block with links to choose the preferred bandwidth
- Option in the user profile to change the bandwidth
- Name of the bandwidth is included at the beginning of all intern URLs (http://www.example.com/lo/page for low bandwidth setting)
- Support for anonymous users

This module is useless alone. You don't need to install it if you haven't been asked to do so.

Path Cache

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The path caching module caches URL aliases to prevent Drupal from looking them up in the database.

It is made up of two parts, a patch to path.inc and a teeny tiny module that implements hook_flush_caches().

The patch uses Drupal's standard caching backend calls but is probably only useful if the caching backend has been replaced with memcache.


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This module is looking for a co-maintainer. Please contact psynaptic via his personal contact form if you are interested.

The Beautify module buffers the HTML output of Drupal and processes it through HTML Tidy, htmLawed or a set of built-in search/replace functions for beautifying (auto-indentation), flattening (removing indentations) and compacting the HTML source output to the browser.

Block Cache Alter

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Alter cache settings per block. Cache settings per block are now set in code, but if you don't like the default - usually none - you can now easily change this. Install this to speed up block rendering for authenticated users.

Alter cache settings per block. Cache settings per block are now set in code,
but if you don't like the default - usually none - you can now easily change this
per block on the block configuration page in a fieldset called 'Cache settings'.
Install this to speed up block rendering for authenticated users.

Term lower name

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Speeds up the querying, by name, of terms in a taxonomy, by stopping code from having to use the SQL "LOWER" command. This can make a huge difference to query times on a site with a large number of terms.

This module should only be installed if required by other modules. It does not add any additional functionality, and does not have any configuration options.

The following modules depend on this module: