My Live Chat Integration for drupal 6.x

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This module adds the necessary script to the footer of ones site for prompting users to chat via My Live Chat.

My LiveChat is a free, fast, high performance and most user-friendly live chat solution. My LiveChat allows you to live chat with website visitors, monitor site traffic, and analyze visitors' web activities, including their search engine and keyword usage.

CRM Core

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CRM Core is a set of modules for managing contacts, activities and relationships within your Drupal website. It is designed to provide a basic framework for managing these items and interacting with other components of Drupal.


CRM Core allows you to manage contacts, activities and relationships in your Drupal website. It provides extensive support for these entities, and includes a number of tools to make them easier to support in your Drupal website.

  • User Sync allows contacts to be paired with user accounts.
  • Match provides support for deduplication.
  • Reports provides a central repository for reports.
  • CRM Core Settings allows administrators to control the UI for managing contacts.

In addition to these basic features, CRM Core integrates with a number of other components within Drupal, including views, VBO, ctools, rules, solr, services, field api and search api.

Why use CRM Core?

An extensive discussion of why you would want to use CRM Core can be found in the handbook. This page details the design philosophy behind CRM Core and other things to consider when trying to make the case for why you would want (or not want) to use it.

Easy Breadcrumb

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The Easy Breadcrumb module provides a plug-and-play block to be embedded in your pages, typically at some place near the page's header. Easy Breadcrumb takes advantage of the work you've already done for generating your paths' alias, while it naturally encourages the creation of semantic and consistent paths. This modules is currently available for Drupal 7 and 8.

Usable Error Pages

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403 and 404 pages should not be dead ends for site visitors. This module replaces the 403 and 404 pages and adds functionality to help a visitor access proper content. The 403 is augmented by a login form. The 404 is augmented by a search form and suggested pages.

This module is inspired by this article, this module and this module.

Shareaholic | share buttons, related posts, social analytics & more

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The easiest, most effective way to grow your website traffic, effectively engage your audience, monetize, and gain insights for free.

Shareaholic is an all-in-one content amplification and monetization platform, that includes related content recommendations, promoted content, social sharing, following, site monetization apps such as affiliate linking, and social analytics. This module makes it a snap for any website — big or small — to engage and grow their traffic, market their content, gain insights, and monetize their traffic, all from one powerful but easy-to-use dashboard.

This module is actively developed (GitHub), maintained and supported with much love by Shareaholic.

Recent Updates:


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The Intelligence module integrates advanced analytics directly into your Drupal site. It extends Google Analytics tracking with configurable events, page attributes and visitor attributes. It leverages this data to provide a set an enhanced analytics reports integrated into Drupal's admin. The goal is to help web teams truly understand what web efforts are effective what which are not.

To learn more visit the LevelTen Intelligence overview.

CRM Core Profile

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CRM Core Profile is a form builder for CRM Core. It provides a drag-and-drop interface for authoring forms that collect information about contacts and activities. It includes controls for controlling how forms display, prepopulating form values, enabling / disabling matching engines, permissions for accessing the forms, and more.

Related Modules

Search Interests (grassroots)

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Welcome to Grassroots Interests.
As the name suggests get you the common interest out of specific keyword.

The GI Search module adds the extra functionality to the search displaying the common term or URL you wish to focus when a certain "keyword" is searched. This module is not dependent on search but it takes the argument passed in URL to match with the manually entered keywords, bind them with title and URL of our choice, within the site or some external URL.