Sql authentication

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SQL authentication is a module that uses the external authentication methods in Drupal to connect to any other database.

Whether that is a PHPbb MySQL database, or another drupal site in postgresql does not really matter. It is fully configurable and easy to use. Multiple hashing algorythms are supported too, configurable in the settings interface.

Its user-end system is similar to the drupalID, with one difference: your data will not go unencrypted over the big bad web.


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This module provides a means to keep track of how much time you spend on various tasks. It allows you create timers, one for each task you work on.


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This module adds a menu item allowing one-click access to urchin logs from within Drupal. The configuration options allow you to set the URL for the urchin program, the username, and the password.


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Run a small business? ERP is a module set that gives Drupal the capability of replacing Quickbooks, MYOB or MYOB Retail Manager as a major part of your business operations.

The Drupal node system is leveraged to great advantage for all aspects of the module set, so that almost any other Drupal module can also be added to expand the power of the system.

ERP takes advantage of existing Drupal modules wherever possible, using Views, Gmap, Date and Calendar modules in particular.

The ERP module currently acts as the core of our small business, handling all aspects of it except tax reporting and employee payroll.

Note, we have moved the erp.profile across to its own project to take advantage of the drupal.org build system. The project is drupalerp.

This is probably the best way to get started at the moment.

Path Filter

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Drupal 7+, depreciated in favor of pathologic.

Path Filter takes internal Drupal paths in single or double quotes, written as e.g. "internal:node/99", and replaces them with the appropriate absolute HTTP URL or path using Drupal's url() function. It also works for files in your files directory using Drupal's file_create_url() function. It works with clean URLs enabled or disabled as well as working equally well for single site or multisite installations.

The motivation for this filter was to provide a robust way of linking to internal URLs from within content, so that your links do not break if you move your site to a different path (e.g. from a development site at http://example.com/dev/ to a production site at http://example.com/).


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As of 2010/06/18, this project seems abandoned. If you are the maintainer, and you think this project has been marked as abandoned for mistake, or you are a developer, and you want to take this project over, please reply on #786948: staticHTML seems abandoned.

OG Roles

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NEW MAINTAINER WANTED! Contact me if you want to maintain this module.

This module allows you to, for each group type, specify a list of roles that group administrators are allowed to assign. However this assigned roles are sitewide.

Content Templates (Contemplate)

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NOTE: This module *may* be deprecated in Drupal 7 !

Here's your reason, basically the theming changes in D7 mean the field theming gets bound a lot lot later in the process, so it's not possible to generate the output into a Textarea for you to edit - that said, it is possible that we can come at this from another angle and use tokens instead BUT it means what you see in contemplate admin page will be nothing at all similar to the output.