Ming (a MongoDB wrapper)

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Drupal 8
This module has been converted into a general PHP library called Vultan, and will not be released as a module for Drupal 8.

Vultan is available on Packagist, and can be added to Drupal via Composer:

Drupal 7

Ming is an API for working with data in MongoDB. It was designed to allow rapid construction of MongoDB-based apps in Drupal, where Field integration is not required.

Ming is a wrapper around the PHP Mongo classes, which adds some additional capabilities and behaviours. In addition to what raw Mongo support provides, Ming has the following features:

  • Preconfigure and connect to multiple persistent connections, from multiple Mongo database sources, using hooks, site variables, at runtime, or from the Mongodb module
  • Simple wrappers around common Mongo tasks (Insert, Upsert, Delete, Find), including some common variants
  • Shortcuts for accessing objects by MongoID, without the need to instantiate MongoID classes
  • A scaffold class (mingMingItem) for building, saving and working with MongoDB data

Ming does not require the Mongodb module to be installed, but will work with it.

MongoDB Util

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A utility module for MongoDB that starts with several utilities to properly manage indexes from Drupal. This introduces a hook_mongodb_index to define indexes combined with a drush ensure-indexes and drush check-indexes.


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Automatic database slave selection

This database driver (called "autoslave") will automatically use the database slaves where applicable and otherwise use a master database.

where applicable means:

  1. The query is not a write query (and not a select query with locking)
  2. The tables in the query have not been written to during the request and within the assumed replication lag
  3. A transaction has not been started
  4. The tables in the query are not specified in the 'tables' option in the driver settings
  5. A lock has not been started (core db-lock and memcache-lock supported)


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RESCUED stands for: RESTful Entity Storage Controller Unveiling Entities Dynamically

This sandbox module is intended to help developers expose external data to Drupal as native entities through an entity storage controller. Entities are created dynamically in Drupal based on the resources exposed by a RESTful server.