Chaos tool suite (ctools)

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This suite is primarily a set of APIs and tools to improve the developer experience. It also contains a module called the Page Manager whose job is to manage pages. In particular it manages panel pages, but as it grows it will be able to manage far more than just Panels.

For the moment, it includes the following tools:

Drush extras

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Drush extras is a place where auxiliary drush commands may be found. Typically, these "extra" commands are not be suitable for drush core due to limitations; for example, some may only support certain platforms, and others might require customization before use.

See the README.txt file for more information.

Statistics Pro

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The Statistics Pro module creates statistics with aggregated data. The data is stored in a new table, which is updated with a cron run. This statistics module provides statistical results of nodes, comments and users. Aggregated statistical data from nodes, comments and users are stored even if the access log table or the watchdog table have been deleted. For presenting the data the Views module is used. When Statistics Pro detects the core Statistics module, the Charts and Graphs module or the Views Charts module it enables specific features dependent on each one of these modules like page visualization reports and graphs. This module is not a replacement for the core Statistics module but offers useful enhancements.


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The Mode module is a utility module that allows administrators to manage different permission sets and switch between them conveniently. It works by manipulating the permissions table during each switch.

Example scenarios where this module will prove useful:


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The features module enables the capture and management of features in Drupal. A feature is a collection of Drupal entities which taken together satisfy a certain use-case.

Features provides a UI and API for taking different site building components from modules with exportables and bundling them together in a single feature module. A feature module is like any other Drupal module except that it contains additional information in its info file so that configuration can be checked, updated, or reverted programmatically.


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This module provides a wrapper for the Flashy video player:

The base module depends on SWFEmbed, and provides an object-oriented API for embedding flash videos in your site. If you have the getID3() module, it will also try to auto-detect the size of the video if you do not specify an explicit size for the player.

Views Import

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This module provides an easy way to import previously exported Views definitions.


  1. Create 'sites/all/imports/views' folder.
  2. Install the module.
  3. Export a View you wish to import with following drush command: drush vie view_name
  4. Or export all Views with: drush vie --all


7.x-1.2 version supports Drush.


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Drush scripts for creating Drupal sites from a shell. Tested with Debian and Ubuntu.

What it does: It gives you easy control over Drupal sites under apache2 and Debian based systems like Ubuntu. It works with Drupal-5.x, Drupal-6.x, and Drupal-7.x (it may miss some features in different versions) It works with mysql and postgresql.

You should cd into your drush command dir, and clone the master. For a stable release you can use the command drush dl and move the downloaded dir into your command dir.


For quick install of a Drupal system use e.g.:

Forum email integration

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This module enables Drupal to receive email messages and post them directly into a forum. Each forum gets its own unique email address, which only users registered on the site and assigned the permission "post by femail", may post to. For example, a forum titled "Femail issues" on this website would get the email address Users are able to subscribe to "All forums", or any number of individual forums. Once subscribed, any messages that they didn't post to the forum themselves will be emailed to them. If a user replies to these messages, they will automatically get posted into the correct thread within the forum, and will also be nested correctly. Email headers are also correctly set, meaning that a user using an email client that supports threading (Kmail, Evolution, Thunderbird, etc) will see the same message structure in their client as is seen on the website.