Yet another migration module

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Yamm project is a module suite that allow you a client/server mass content synchronization.

This module was inspired by the Deploy module. It is able to synchronize any type of data as long as the implementation exists. It does only Drupal to Drupal data synchronization.

UI allows to create a series of clients and synchronization profiles. A synchronization profile is defined by a list of views. Each view must return a list of object identifiers.
Each client can be activated or suspended state. This state will be used for scheduled push orders.

Backup and Migrate Files

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NOTE: This module has now been rolled into the 3.x branch of Backup and Migrate and is no longer supported independently.

This module is a plugin for Backup and Migrate and does nothing on its own. You must download and install Backup and Migrate 2.x (Aug 24 dev or later) to use this module. This module is not compatible with version 1 of Backup and Migrate.

Linode manager & API

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Drupal integration with linode manager API. Allows you to manage single or multiple linode accounts from the conveniense of simple admin interface. Birds eye view of the health of all linodes with just one click.

If you manage many linode please share your ideas to be incorporated into this module about how to make management of multiple linodes easier.

OpenID Admin

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This module extends Drupal's support for OpenID to allow administrative users to add a set of OpenID's to an account. Included is both a web UI and Drush command.


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This module does not and will not prevent your site from being 'hacked'.

This module scans the currently installed Drupal, contributed modules and themes, re-downloads them and determines if they have been changed. Changes are marked clearly and if the diff module is installed then Hacked! will allow you to see the exact lines that have changed.

Hacked! also provides drush integration so that you can see what files have changed from the command line.

Drupal Reset

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This module deletes all database tables and files for the current site and redirect back to install.php so that one can reinstall Drupal from scratch. The purpose of this module is to assist in the testing of install profiles. It is only useful during development.

Provision boost support

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The provision boost module provides Drush hooks to automatically setup multi-site Drupal instances (or single sites) with the Boost module. It takes care of all the nitty-gritty configuration fixes that need to be applied in the backend so it works.

Drush Multi (drush_multi)

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I use the following symbolic links structure on our servers and wrote a bash script for handling Drupal updates years ago.

Within this structure and this drush command, it is now possible to do that via drush.

Here is the very specific structure this command deals with for multi-drupalupdate and multi-create:

|-- 6.x -> drupal-6.14
|-- 6.x_backup
|-- 6.x_profiles
|-- 6.x_sites
|   |-- all   
|   |-- default
|   |--
|   |   |-- files
|   |   |-- modules
|   |   `-- themes
|   `-- 
|       |-- files
|       |-- modules
|       `-- themes 
`-- drupal-6.14
    |-- includes
    |-- misc
    |-- modules
    |-- profiles -> ../6.x_profiles
    |-- scripts
    `-- sites  -> ../6.x_sites


drush multi-drupalupdate
Updates the installation if there is a new minor release available and preserves all detected symlinks, like sites and profiles above
drush multi-create
Creates a Drupal multisite installation, supports usage of drush_make makefiles
drush multi-site
Creates a site within the installation
drush multi-status
An extended drush core status
drush multi-exec
Removed: Execute a drush command on all sites (batch mode)
@see #652778: Similar functionality is in drush core 3.x
drush multi-sql-dump
An extended sql dump
drush multi-nagios
Moved and will be removed soon: Command for use as nagios plugin to monitor Drupal sites and Drupal installations with exit status and status message.
You can find the isolatated nagios functionality at Drush Nagios (drush_nagios).

Self Destruct

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Note: It has been brought to my attention that this module duplicates existing functionality in a couple of modules: Demo and Drupal Reset. I was unaware this capability was included in Demo, and Drupal Reset sprang up between the time I developed the module for personal use, and when I got around to adding it to contrib. Apologies for the duplicate effort; I will not be continuing development on this module and encourage you to use Demo instead.

The Self Destruct module is a developer utility for quickly emptying/resetting a Drupal site's database.