Categories: Taxonomy
Maintenance status: Seeking new maintainer
Development status: No further development
Downloads: 12579
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Think of this as a 'build your own category view' page.

A single page with each term organized nicely by vocabulary. The user selects the terms which she or he wants to see, and then this module constructs the right URL (e.g. taxonomy/term/3,4,5) and then displays matching nodes to the user. If the Node Type Filter module is installed, you may further filter the choices by content type.

Categories: Syndication
Maintenance status: Seeking new maintainer
Development status: No further development
Downloads: 14725
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Syndication.module offers a web page which centralizes all of the RSS feeds generated by Drupal.

Categories: Utility
Downloads: 7618
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As of version 4.6, SQL Search (a new iteration of Trip Search) is an alternative search module that offers advanced search operands (phrases in quotes, excluded terms); searching by taxonomy term, user and date; filtering within results; and an advanced search page. SQL Search does not use Drupal search indexing. Instead, it offers three alternative search methods: simple SQL LIKE matching, matching with regular expressions, and MySQL full text index searching.

Categories: (нет)
Maintenance status: Unsupported
Development status: Obsolete
Downloads: 2839
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For Drupal 4.7 and Drupal 5: If you want full control over your member listings, I would advise to use usernode with

Maintenance status: Actively maintained
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 254038
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This module allows you to create arbitrary Workflows, and assign them to Entities.

Workflows are made up of workflow states. Transitions between states can be allowed per role. For example, a workflow with the states Draft, Review, and Published could be assigned to the Story node type. Only users with role 'chief editor' can set Stories to the published state.
You can set up the Workflow to alter states from form, page, comment, a special block, and a special workflow tab.
Additionally, the submodule Workflow Access allows you to manage view/edit/delete permissions for content types per User role and Workflow state.

Maintenance status: Actively maintained
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 4126331
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Webform is the module for making forms and surveys in Drupal. After a submission customizable e-mails can be sent to administrators and/or submitters. Results can be exported into Excel or other spreadsheet applications. Webform also provides some basic statistical review and has an extensive API for expanding its features.

Categories: Path Management
Maintenance status: Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 1517328
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Work in progress for a Drupal 7 integration and collaboration between redirection-type modules:

Current features:

  • Common API for loading, saving, and deleting redirects.
  • Case-insensitive redirect matching with a hook to allow other modules to narrow-down the candidate redirects.
  • Redirect counter and last used timestamp, with automatic cleanup of inactive redirects.
  • Integration with Drupal's page cache to optimize redirects and performance.
  • Complete individual redirect access API.
  • Views API integration.
Categories: Taxonomy
Downloads: 303
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This module is currently unsupported. The last release was for Drupal 4.3.

Categories: Taxonomy
Downloads: 5097
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March 16, 2009

Categories: Community
Maintenance status: Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Development status: Maintenance fixes only
Downloads: 251831
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Guestbook module provides a site guestbook and individual user guestbooks. Guestbook owners can delete and comment the guestbook entries. Avatars are shown if they are available.

Categories: (нет)
Downloads: 728
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This module gives pleasant-looking DHTML CSS tooltips on
Internet Explorer & Gecko browsers (Mozilla, Netscape 7, etc.)

Categories: (нет)
Downloads: 155
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This set of functions allows you to filter html in order to remove
any malicious tags from it. Useful in cases when you need to filter

Categories: Filters/Editors
Downloads: 4770
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The context links module allows you to easily create links to context-related material using a simple markup syntax. The links are indicated by either linking the text itself or by inserting a specific string or icon that links to the related information.

Categories: Event
Downloads: 1140
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A module that reminds users of upcoming events. They can choose to subscribe to individual events or events that have a taxonomy term assigned to them.

Categories: Filters/Editors
Maintenance status: Actively maintained
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 33821
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This module implements the popular Textile markup shorthand, and allows you to enter content using a simple, plai

Categories: Taxonomy
Downloads: 1693
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This module provides an overview page and block representation of your site's taxonomy.

Categories: Location, Utility, Views
Maintenance status: Actively maintained
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 118671
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This module uses free weather data from to display current weather conditions from anywhere in the world. Forecasts for up to 11 days are included. Data for more than 14.000 places worldwide is included for easy weather display.

The old branch, 7.x-1.x, uses METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report) data to display current weather conditions from anywhere in the world.

Categories: Mail
Maintenance status: Minimally maintained
Development status: Maintenance fixes only
Downloads: 55443
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This is a lightweight module that allows users to subscribe to periodic emails which include all new or revised content and/or comments of specific content types, much like the daily newsletters sent by some websites.

Even if this feature is not configured for normal site users, it can be a useful feature for an administrator of a site to receive notification of new content submissions and comment posts.

Downloads: 825
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Ystock is a Drupal module which enables you to display stock quotes from most national or large stock markets in the world.

Categories: (нет)
Downloads: 401
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This module is oriented towards sites that wish to accumulate information
quickly and easily. For example, sites that reference news articles often